Test Prep Wizards Cancellation Policy

This cancellation policy is current as of 08/01/2022. It is our policy for any one-on-one session that we offer. If you have questions on it, please contact your instructor or info@testprepwizards.com

Our expectation is that you will use the BizStim platform to schedule time with us since our instructors update their availability in the platform regularly. It’s important to understand that we consider a session confirmed once you schedule and then the instructor confirms through the platform. You will receive an email confirmation.

We understand that coaches schedule practices last minute, popcorn kernels break teeth and send students to the dentist (true student story!), and people get ill. We try to be flexible without empowering people to take our instructors’ time for granted. As such, we have the following cancellation policy.

  • Instructor misses appointment without notification: In the rare instance this happens (since 2009, it has happened twice), we give you two free hours of tutoring.
  • Student misses appointment without notification or cancels with less than one hour notice: Our instructors will reach out 5 minutes after a session starts and wait 30 minutes into a scheduled session before we consider a session missed. In this instance, we pay the instructor his or her full hourly rate, so we charge you your hourly rate as well. In essence, you are charged as if the session occurred. Anyone with two missed appointments without prior notification will be dropped as a client.
  • Instructor needs to reschedule an appointment with less than 24 hours notice: This is equally rare and has only occurred in bonafide emergencies. In these situations, we also give you two free hours of tutoring.
  • Student needs to reschedule an appointment with less than 24 hours notice but more than one hour notice: We pay our instructors half their hourly rate in these instance, so we charge you half your hourly rate as well. Any student with 2 rescheduled appointments with less than 24 hours in a 60-day period will have all scheduled sessions removed from the calendar and you will need to sign back up for time after students on our waiting list have been notified.
  • Instructor needs to reschedule with 24-48 hours notice: We give you one free hour of tutoring to make up for the inconvenience.
  • Student need to reschedule with at least 24 hours notice: You don’t get charged anything, but after the second reschedule in a 60-day period, all scheduled sessions are removed from the calendar and you will need to sign back up for time after students on our waiting list have been notified.
  • Instructor needs to reschedule with more than 48 hours notice: This is part of the human element of tutoring. If an instructor needs to reschedule multiple times, we will work with you to compensate you for the inconvenience.

We reserve the right to amend any of the above for a true emergency such as a death of a loved one, medical emergency, town power outage, inclement weather, or accident. 

You can also sign up for text reminders as well as the email reminders that are sent out prior to sessions.

If you have any questions, please reach out to your instructor or admin at info@testprepwizards.com
